drmarkmurphyJun 14, 20206 min readThe COVID 19 Pandemic in Summer: How to Stay SafeAh, Summertime! It’s a time of year that traditionally brings us cookouts, beach trips and pool parties. Americans travel to the...
drmarkmurphyMay 31, 20208 min readThe Patchwork Pandemic: How hotspots ignite, and how we can avoid becoming oneThe drumbeat of data goes on, every day: Over 6 million cases worldwide, 1.8 million in the U.S. A global death toll of over 370,000,...
drmarkmurphyMay 23, 20207 min readLiving in a Post-COVID World“Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted” --Aldous Huxley, Brave New World. In mid-February, as...
drmarkmurphyMay 16, 20208 min read"Weird as Hell": The COVID-19 Manifestations Nobody Told You About.Paul Garner knew he was sick. A professor of infectious disease at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in the UK, Dr. Garner...
drmarkmurphyMay 10, 202011 min readPlagues, Pox and Pestilence: How pandemics have impacted human history(Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Triumph of Death (detail), c. 1562, Museo del Prado, Madrid) Plagues, pox and pestilence: How pandemics have...
drmarkmurphyMay 2, 20209 min readLife After Lockdown: Seeking the Goldilocks PhenomenonOn January 19, 2020, a previously healthy 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington with a 4-day...
drmarkmurphyApr 23, 20203 min readA Few Reflections on Slowing Down: JOTPY, Week SixMy wife and I were riding bikes when we first saw the owls, high up in the crook of a massive live oak tree heavily draped with Spanish...
drmarkmurphyApr 17, 20207 min readA Light at the End of the Tunnel: Potential treatments and vaccinesFirst of all, the numbers: Worldwide, as of this writing, the COVID 19 pandemic has infected over 2.2 million people, and there have been...
drmarkmurphyApr 9, 20204 min read"April is the Cruellest Month." Or is it? Journal of the Plague Year: Week FourIt’s Holy Week—and it’s been quite a roller coaster ride already. The week began with Queen Elizabeth giving a televised speech to the...
drmarkmurphyApr 4, 20204 min readWeek 3: Resilience, Love and FaithA Journal of the Plague Year: Week 3 So here’s the tally, as of this writing: Chatham County has 44 confirmed COVID 19 cases and 3...
drmarkmurphyMar 26, 20205 min readThe second week: Morbidity and Mortality Come Home to RoostThis is the week that everything really began to hit home. The United States is now the new epicenter of the COVID 19 pandemic. We...
drmarkmurphyMar 26, 20207 min readA Journal of the Plague Year: A physician's first-hand account of the COVID-19 pandemic Week 1The whole thing seems like science fiction. I’m a big fan of science fiction: Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, all classic...